over 140 stalls, 30,000 sqft, 100’s of makers and creators from all over the north west and the uk, 5k+ visitors, one great venue.
Before you delve in to your application here’s a few things you should know – we aren’t just any ol’ makers market you know!
The Good Market promotes sustainable and ethical shopping, awareness for minority traders and charitable acts, as well as promoting small, independent growth businesses therefore supporting the local economy and communities.
We select traders based on Product, Presentation and Purpose.
Each of our Markets is hand curated – that means we hand select the best traders for the venue and specific audience/ date, also this ensures there are never too many of one category at any event.
Where there are multiple stall holders of similar products, we ensure the product ascetic/ packaging/ offering etc is different enough to attract a different customer and is not in direct competition and also never placed in close proximity.
Our Markets are not ‘First come, First served’ – as mentioned, each market is hand selected to make the Best Market for trader and customer so we keep our applications open for as long as possible in order to find hidden gems we can slot in to make each market something special!
* Please Note – We do not accept traders of licensed products such as Usborne Books, The Body Shop, Avon, Tropics Skincare etc