Bean Blooming
Bean blooming

Tell us about Bean Blooming
Bean Blooming is a sustainable fashion accessory business with a goal of making people feel empowered and happy while wearing BB pieces. I make clay, acrylic and wood jewellery!
How did you get started?
I bought some clay in 2020 with the idea of starting a business but it didn’t go anywhere as I nearly burnt my kitchen down trying to bake the clay. Then in 2021 my nan gave me a pasta machine for Christmas which at the time was honestly the most random gift I’d ever received! But it ended up moving me in the direction of my business and I use the machine every day now, but for conditioning clay, not pasta. It’s all because of my amazing Nan!
What does the GoodMarket mean to you and your business?
GoodMarket honestly feels like a second family to me. Ever since my first market I have been welcomed with open arms and have made some really amazing friends through being apart these markets. It feels like a community and I feel so proud to be apart of that! Over the past year I’ve had customers turn into regulars and even friends thanks to GoodMarket which is just incredible to me. Rebekah is such a warm, lovely soul who goes out of her way to make sure I’m alright and honestly it means the world. I love GoodMarket!
How would you describe GoodMarket events?
Good vibes, warm, friendly, community. It just feels good being there and I always come away buzzing. I’ve done several different markets and they just don’t have the same appeal. The Good Market events happen in such a way that it’s obvious it’s a Good Market- if that makes sense. Their brand translates from their social media through to reality and I think if you walked in to a Good Market and then went next door into another market, you’d feel the difference instantly.
What would you say to someone thinking of coming down to GoodMarket XL?
You’d be mad not to! The GoodMarkets are curated so well and it’s always a fab time. There’s awesome music, great food vendors and lovely people.
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